fndfyda fokd Ndú;d lrk Players w;ßka jvd;au ckm%sh Players f,i KMPlayer" VLC player iy Windows media player yeÈkaùug mqÆjka' fï w;ßka f,dj mqrd ckm%sh;ajh w;ska fmruqfKa miq jkafka KM Player' KM Player iy VLC player tl .;a úg folu fydo uÜgul mj;skjd' KM Player tfla 3D videos ne,Sug we;s yelshdj jeks úfYaI yelshdjka ;sfhkjd'
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fmdÿfõ .;a úg Windows media player ys we;s ÿ¾j,;djh jkafka by; players j,g idfmalaIj we;eï ùäfhda file type play fkdùu f,i yÿkajkak mqÆjka'
kuq;a wfma íf,d.a wvúh yryd óg by;§ TkEu Video jla Windows media player yryd play lr .kafka flfiao lshd ,smshla bÈßm;a lrd' fu;kska th lshùug yelshdj ;sfnkjd'
kuq;a KM player iy VLC player ie,l+ úg km player ksis wdldrj l%shd lsÍug kï ùäfhda ld¾â v%hsj¾ tl ksis wdldrj l%shd;aul ùu wksjdrHhs' we;eï úg ON board VGA mß.Kl j, KM Player ksis wdldrj l%shd;aul jkafka kE' kuq;a l=uk wdldrfha mß.Klhl jqj;a l%shd;aul jk Player tlla f,i VLC Player tl yeÈkaùug mqÆjka'
kuq;a ,emafgdma mß.Klj, VLC player tl Ndú;fha§ is;kakg hula ;sfí' idudkH km player iy wfkl=;a player j, Y%jKh l< yels Wmßu Yío m%udKh 100%jqj;a VLC player ys th 200%la fõ' VLC player u.ska Yíoh amplify lsÍula isÿ lsÍug yelshdjla we;' ,emafgdma mß.Kl j, we;s iamSl¾j, Yíoh uÈ hehs isf;k whg Ndú;d lsÍug fuu myiqlu i,id ;sfí' kuq;a fuh È.ska È.gu fkdl< hq;a;ls' ukao túg th Tfí ,emafgdma mß.Klfha iamSl¾ j,g ydksodhl úh yels fyhsks' ;jo fufia200 % g muK Yíoh jeä lsÍfï§ Yíofhys .=Kd;aul ndjho is£ wjidkfha f.daYdjla njg m;a fõ' tfy;a wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;af;a fjfyi uykaisfhka ,nd .;a ,emafgdma mß.Klh È.= l,la kshu wdldrfhka ;nd .ekSugh'
tu ksid fuf;la l,a fkdoekqj;alñka Tn VLC player ys Yíoh wkjYH m%udKhg Ndú;d l<d kï th md,khla we;sj uOHhl ;nd .ekSug j. n,d.kak' tfukau fï .ek fkdokakd ishÆ fokdg oek .ekSu i|yd Share lr iyfhda.hla ,nd fokak'
mß.Kl Ndú;fha§ oek .; hq;= lreKq j,g wod, ,sms iys;Tech Help úfYaIdx.fha ;j;a ,smshla ,nk i;sfha n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkak' miq.sh ,sms ish,a, fu;kska'
Aluth VLC Media Player Version Ekee 125% Wenakan Witarayi.
Thanks bro 😊
Thanks bro ��
normal standard laptop or any other speaker system won't get defective just because of vlc player amplification. it's a software amplification. if it gets defective then that hardware is so below standard. in a normal speaker unit physically amplified volume is limited by the DAC chip's total SNR of x amount of db and in speaker circuitry.
if it gets defective by any chance coz of vlc you better off with some other sound system.
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